Monday, August 31, 2009

Life in st.joseph's...

St. Joseph’s College- an Institution that has maintained its mission of “Fide et Labore“ all over the globe and standing as a pillar laying the foundations of many prominent personalities ranging from cricketers to politicians, from actors to active civil servants and they all carry the charisma of a Josephite where the first thing we are taught is to respect out moral values. I didn’t have to battle an eyelid to chose the college which has always had its own trademark and always ranked 1 of the top 10 colleges in India.
College becomes our second home and after you become a member of this family, all you do is experience an ongoing process of learning that seems to have no end. When its time to bid adios to this college that nurtured me in the developing age of a rebellious teenage to a responsible individual now, I pause to realize what enormous contribution it has had in my life both in terms of learning in academics as well as personally. The trend of bunking college surprisingly can’t sustain in our college and it is so disciplined that nobody who fools around will have a place. We did complain in our first year wondering why is it as good as a military school, but now I respect this college for believing in its own ideas and being an example in itself controlling thousands of students yet no student has had the courage of strikes or being misbehaved. This is a huge achievement for a college where everything is at its place and spick and span. I learnt self discipline from my college and also saw the sincerity with which even the staff and teachers worked and no one here understands the term ”postpone” as time is respected more than anything else. Thus learning Time Management also became strength for me and this is like a treasure for me now. St.Joseph’s College was also a place where we leant the freedom one gets in Science where we are not asked to believe the teachers blindly, rather the expert faculty involve us in a lot of self learning and induce deeper into a subject to strongly build us as Scientists from deep within. The laboratories are always open for us and any valid project is supported where it’s your own piece of craft and you enjoy all the space to innovate. The English Department too has played a major role in shaping our thoughts especially in Critical Analysis with writings on various aspects of the society like caste system, Gender inequality, slavery, Women atrocities and we were also laid hands on various classics to realize the theme of that age and how mockery, sarcasm etc were powerful tools. Discovering more about your own self after searching for many meanings from deep within, and knowing yourself is a very quality every individual needs to posess. This was shaped by my College whom I owe much more than what a college does for a student, but this college has taught me to head with so many groups being active in our college, to take up responsibilities, challenges, think more than what we see and to focus on being content personally more than focusing on earning and earning that leads us nowhere. I still remember the statement of our principal,” Do not forget, we are educated as Josephites to serve the nation, not our personal luxury and that’s a true Josephite who works without expecting selfish results”

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