Tuesday, March 11, 2014

cooperation in a divided world...??

Can Cooperation succeed in a Divided World?
Cooperation, defined as the “process of working or acting together, involves things working in harmony, side by side, while in its more complicated forms, it can involve something as complex as the inner workings of a human being or even the social patterns of a nation. It is the alternative to working separately in competition.”Pause for a second, can we actually look for this ideal Cooperative world where all the different nations, with different religions, different climatic conditions, different cultures can all join hands with each other and while US wants to shoot at Pakistan for harboring the terrorists, Pakistan itself would shoot all the terrorists because it’s more of a worlds concern!!
Cooperation needs to be based on few grounds like a common goal; common problem to be solved, common objective and making all the nations unite sounds foolish as which basis are you expecting a cooperation? While countries like Africa, Bangladesh are fighting for food, we see 50% of the Americans are obese. And when we have a cooperated world, there will be one leader for the whole one world, so won’t there be a fight for that ultimate power of ruling the World feeling like God and history has enough of such dictators who wanted all the power to themselves, then how long do we expect this COOPERATION to last while a few nations are willing to surrender since they never were powerful while the powerful ones fight to become the super powerful. Expecting a world full of smiles and love, everywhere all around, well, I think that will be too much of expectation on planet Earth! Let us unite in the name of cooperation in fighting things that are a threat for all nations in Catalyzing an energy revolution, Defending our oceans Protecting the world’s ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them, Working for disarmament and peace , Creating a toxic free future and Campaigning for all the issues concerning the whole world and also to protect all that belongs to the world.

We imagine having cooperation amongst the nations who knew that their fathers and grandfathers were made slaves by the Americans, that their women were sexually abused as a source of entertainment because they are “Black”. We expect to love the nations that want a share of our country even though we never made a noise, we expect the Jews to forget how they were treated in Russia and Germany while the whole community of thousands of them were just wiped off. Of course to a certain limit we can forget and forgive, the way there are no grudges against the British or the Portugals that also made us their slaves, but when they start with racism, we bearing in silence may sound pretty preachy because deep inside a human’s heart, it is very difficult. Just the way a wound can heal, but the scar always remains. And when we expect the cooperation, it needs to be mutual else it becomes a domination for the other powerful group. Along with cooperation don’t we expect transparency to avoid conflicts and for the smooth functioning, but is it practically possible to that core team to think of the Whole World as one, and many a times it is really an impossible state to keep everyone happy, we all face this in our personal lives too, but this will again invite groups with similar interests and problems and again this doesn’t appear to be a prolonged idea to keep the whole world united as ONE. While each and every nation individually has their own issues and demands, we just can’t hope to generalize them all completely. Of course few issues like Global Warming and terrorism can be looked at with a concern for all the nations and we can expect few issues to be dealt with as a matter of concern and implement the measures to solve them by the cooperation, but expecting to provide a world citizenship to everyone, where will the sense of Nationality go then? What about holding on to your culture which I would call a culture crisis that India is facing today in an effort of being westernized while our own children don’t know how to speak in their mother tongues and don’t know what rituals mean!
Lets us look practically and may be an effort can be made to give helping hands to each other in all times of turmoil and while the stronger nations can support, while the others can also help in their little measures. Expecting some form of unity to solve the global issues is still believable and I think this sort of cooperation should be encouraged and even in the form of Education, trade etc. to liberate the thoughts.
May be thinking of ways of decreasing the speed at which the world is dividing is more important for the present time than thinking of Cooperation, but there needs to be a tolerance level and the nations should seek for negotiations than revenge and bombs. Let there be humanity all over the world, then can we expect a better place to live in, than seeking for some imaginary fairy world of Cooperation where even after the terrible wars around, we all expect Cooperation and things to just end all out of a sudden in terms of violence and we see all nations hugging each other staying as One.

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